Michelle McConnell

Michelle McConnell



About Me

As someone with an Irish, outgoing personality, I find it important to help others find their own power within their individual, unique framework.

Education and Certifications:

Degree: Master of Science
Institution: North Texas University
Graduated: 2002

Degree: Bachelor of Science, Rehabilitation Science
Institution: UT Southwestern Medical Center
Graduated: 1998

Certification: Certified Meditation Practitioner
Issuing Organization: Udemy
Acquired: 2023

Certification: Trauma Debriefing Facilitator
Issuing OrganizationUdemy
Acquired: 2023



  • Neuropsychology
  • Brain Disorders
  • Chemical Imbalance



  • Mental Trauma
  • Mental Diagnosis

Tools and Techniques:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) 
  • Psychodynamic Therapy (PDT)
  • Exposure Therapy
  • Music/Meditation Practices

Personal Statement

I have 27 years of experience in both mental health and chemical imbalances due to physical injury. I have worked in clinics, hospitals, and field disaster locations. I learned a lot about myself and the human spirit while working as a disaster psych specialist in the aftermaths of both Hurricane Katrina and the Joplin Tornado.

My work with physical trauma and PTSD with our American Veterans expanded my knowledge of acute care mental health. This journey included ER evaluations and care placement. These experiences created my belief that the mind-body connection is an essential component of a happy, healthy individual.

In my practice today, I start with a client-centered philosophy to each journey where I become a tool for change by putting an emphasis on being able to identify which modalities of treatment will best serve the complex needs of someone seeking change. I also believe that “knowledge is power” and put a focus on education to help others be able to empower themselves with inner strength and understanding.