Samantha St Clair

Samantha St. Clair



About Me

I believe the therapeutic alliance is the most important part to the professional relationship. I am passionate about creating resources, providing empathy, building self-esteem and self-compassion, and providing a safe space to process trauma. I believe in the client’s ability to heal and do so through a collaborative approach using integrative and cognitive behavioral techniques. We can only love ourselves into effective change. You are worthy!

Education & Certifications:

Degree: Master of Arts, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Institution: Sam Houston State University
Graduated: 2020

Degree: Bachelor of Science, Psychology
Institution: California State University Channel Islands
Graduated: 2015



  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)



  • Trauma-informed Care
  • Yoga
  • Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
  • Walking Counselor

Personal Statement

I’ve worked with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault for the past four years; counseling, advocating, and educating clients. My life was forever changed providing services to the wonderful clients of SAAFE House. It was extremely rewarding to be a part of an organization that could provide safe spaces for its clients and I hope to continue that here at this very professional and holistic company, Mindful Health. I am so excited to continue my journey in providing services where traditional medicine meets holistic and integrative care.

I am an empowering and empathic counselor experienced in conducting individual counseling and support groups. I believe in the importance of service and am passionate about being a helper. I enjoy working with all types of people and am an ally and advocate for all humans and their mental health.

Call to Action

We all deserve a safe space to process and feel our feelings. Reach out if you need a safe space to express yourself, I’d love to try and help!